And So It Goes …

In 2020 my son flew the coop and my husband died. I found myself flouncing around in need of social interaction and busy hands. On a total whim, I opened an art studio gallery in Patagonia (Arizona, that is). I loved the space and visitors always said how they loved the creative vibe in the gallery. I loved meeting people and talking about my process, and of course selling my art. What I soon learned is that I was painting frantically to keep work on the walls and I felt my craft begin to suffer. I was getting cranky and struggling to get on with the various attitudes around the place. I became stressed and discombobulated SO - in 2024, I closed up shop, reluctantly but with a sense of relief. I was proud of what I accomplished on my own but I didn’t have the stamina to keep doing it while also staying true to my art making discipline. I now joyfully paint from home whenever the spirit moves me and sometimes even when my muse finds me in my jammies. My remaining works from the gallery went down the street to a wonderful little gallery called Tresoros De San Miguel at Velvet Elvis La Mision in Patagonia. It’s a very cool shop and a locally famous eatery run by the marvelous Cecilia San Miguel. If you go there, tell her I sent you!

Meanwhile, I will try to post here - if I can figure out how all this stuff works - when I have news about new work and new venues and art shows. I plan to step it up and submit to some of the big gigs out here in the West. Stay tuned and as always, thanks so much for you support and encouragement!


What’s new? The Mountain Oyster Club Show, that’s what!